Nov 30, 2019
Please keep it to 1 thread
I’m new to this but I hope someone can help me out with this. I just now installed some new parts (went from i5 4690k to i7 9900k, MSI Gaming 5 z97 to MSI MPG z390 Gaming Carbon Pro, ddr3 to ddr4 ram) into my pc and now my motherboard does not recognize my gpu (MSI Gtx 970) the part I didn’t upgrade. I’ve tried changing the setting in the bios that boots up the PCI slot instead of the onboard graphics but that didn’t work. I haven’t updated my motherboard or ram drivers yet. In the bios it doesn’t show that anything is connected in the pci e slot on the board explorer either
I’m new to this but I hope someone can help me out with this. I just now installed some new parts (went from i5 4690k to i7 9900k, MSI Gaming 5 z97 to MSI MPG z390 Gaming Carbon Pro, ddr3 to ddr4 ram) into my pc and now my motherboard does not recognize my gpu (MSI Gtx 970) the part I didn’t upgrade. I’ve tried changing the setting in the bios that boots up the PCI slot instead of the onboard graphics but that didn’t work. I haven’t updated my motherboard or ram drivers yet. In the bios it doesn’t show that anything is connected in the pci e slot on the board explorer either. I have tried 2 of the pci-e slots and nothing comes up still
Are you trying to get a BIOS display or Windows to work? If you haven't done a fresh OS install, there is no guarantee that Windows will work.
My windows works I can access my bios and everything on my second monitor which is connected to the motherboard directly. My gpu wont pop up on anything and it says im running the intel graphics
Does anything show if you have only the video card plugged into the monitor (leaving integrated graphics unplugged)? What power supply do you have? Don't forget the video card's extra power connections.
no nothing shows up when its just connected to the gpu, I have a 750W rosewill hive pcu
How about trying your first monitor on the GPU instead of your second monitor. You should not be trying 2 monitors right now when you have this problem. You should be troubleshooting with only 1 monitor plugged and to the GPU.

If you really want to see if your GPU is working or not you have to try it in another system. If it works than it's something else. If it does not work you will have your answer pretty quick if the GPU is dead.
just tried that and nothing popped up

Then you're only solution is to try that GPU in another system or try another port on the card (if you have any). This way you will know if it's the GPU or not.

You said you tried the other PCI-E slot and it didn't work. I doubt you received a board with all PCI-E slots not working. If the GPU works fine in another system it's probably your PSU but at that point you can try another PSU when you know your GPU works fine.

Troubleshooting is an elimination process and you need to know if your GPU is working properly before pointing the fingers to any other part in your system.