Question Need help remapping Copilot key to the control key

Nov 29, 2024
This fantastic article by apiltch isn't working on my specific Asus ProArt P16 laptop. It appears that this laptop is a bit resistant to solutions or my tech ineptitude is blocking the solution.

AutoHotKey approach​

After reading the article, I downloaded Notepad++ and installed AutoHotKey add-ons and tried +#f23:: ^. Clearly, this didn't work and further searching led to this Reddit post and the following AutoHotKey script below:

#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
#SingleInstance Force
*<+<#F23::Send "{Blind}{LShift Up}{LWin Up}{RControl Down}"
*<+<#F23 Up::Send "{RControl Up}"

The more complete script didn't work either. Pressing the Copilot key doesn't open the copilot. But, pressing Copilot + C doesn't copy text.


While other Asus laptop owners have used Remap a shortcut in PowerToys, it doesn't work on my ProArt P16.

Windows Registry​

This may be the best way to go. I've backed up my Windows 11 registry and if anyone has step-by-step instructions that would be greatly appreciated. The best I've found so far, which don't include the Copilot Character map code can be found in Yanhong Liu's post in Windows Learn thread.