This fantastic article by apiltch isn't working on my specific Asus ProArt P16 laptop. It appears that this laptop is a bit resistant to solutions or my tech ineptitude is blocking the solution.
The more complete script didn't work either. Pressing the Copilot key doesn't open the copilot. But, pressing Copilot + C doesn't copy text.
AutoHotKey approach
After reading the article, I downloaded Notepad++ and installed AutoHotKey add-ons and tried+#f23:: ^
. Clearly, this didn't work and further searching led to this Reddit post and the following AutoHotKey script below:#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0
#SingleInstance Force
*<+<#F23::Send "{Blind}{LShift Up}{LWin Up}{RControl Down}"
*<+<#F23 Up::Send "{RControl Up}"
The more complete script didn't work either. Pressing the Copilot key doesn't open the copilot. But, pressing Copilot + C doesn't copy text.