Question Need help to lower my ram speed correctly


Jun 30, 2019
Hi. Long story short i try to find out why i get green screen while playing rdr2.
I have a ASUS tuf b760 motherboard with i5 13500. What i see about this processor is that Max speed is 3200mhz? I have 32gb 3600mhz and in the task manager it shows the same.

Tried to follow a YouTube guide but my bios wasnt excactly same when it comes to alternatives on the mhz.

It goes like this in advanced settings under ai tweeker:
Ai overclock tuner here i can chooce xmp1 that is standed on as standard, xmp2 or auto.

Is it correct for me to keep it on xmp1 and xmp ddr4 3603 18-22-22-39-1.35v and keep it as it was, then chooce ddr4 3200mhz under DRAM category to make my pc run 3200mhz?

Or should it be setted up differently?
I can also chooce xmp ddr4 3000 16-18-18-36-1.35v.

I have no knowledge and appreciate some help to make my pc goes from 3600mhz ram to 3200mhz ram with the right settings and see if it helps with my issues?
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