Need Help w/ backup/restore on HTC m8 windows phone 8.1


Aug 8, 2011
Greetings all;
Ok to the point, I managed to get myself into a pickle with windows Wallet. I can not seem to recall the pin # (for the wallet app on the phone). Now I either fat fingered it when I made it, or I came up with a new pin #, since none of my go-to pin #'s are working. Searching the net the only way to fix this issue is to do a factory reset on the phone. Brilliant I know. I 'm sure in windows development land that this seemed like a must do brilliant move.... But no it is not. Now resetting the phone to factory is a pain but nothing I or anyone else can not live with, So that is an acceptable option.

Now the big question is:
What happens to my stuff on the SD card. I have several paid for apps installed on it. Plus 2 Gb of videos and over 6GB of music. The music and videos are losable since I can open media player and re-synch my collection. But the paid for apps, what about them? I backed up my phone to the cloud. But I am hesitant to believe it is complete. The backup is only 6.5kB and the apps being backed up total more the 200MB. So, makes me wonder.

Now If I remove the SD card then reset the phone can I simply put the SD card back in when I do a Restore? And it should see everything as it was?
Or Do I move apps to phone first, then do backup and restore?
Or do I have to go to the store and get the apps all over again?
Would I have to re- purchase any of the apps?
^ not acceptable. Would rather live without the wallet app then re buy the apps.

What I have, and what I have done:
(1) HTC M8 Verizon Wireless Windows 8.1 Phone 32GB model
(1) Good standing Verizon Wireless account with data plan
Made a recent backup of phone settings/app video/photos/music contacts/messages
have 24GB of free space available on phone
have 8GB free space avail on removable SD card
Added off topic rant about media player and synching.

The problem I have with the media player and menu system. Specifically the must put everything under a different folder/name/track/album/ waste 8bytes of data per useless sub index per entry. I like things organized by Alpha numeric and Sub indexed. So multiple albums by one artists.... would be where? Oh that's right everywhere. So should I put all my albums under one artist, then go to look at albums they are ... guess where..... That's right! Unknown.Yay. Mixed track #'s mixed titles, what is not to love? Thanks Microsoft, not like I had did not have enough to do in my daily life already. Now I get to re- organize my music library. Then If you actually go and look at the file system then well here we are buried under 12 subfolders from the root. And if I place it where I want. Well now I have fifty albums merged under One giant arse heading called infamously "unknown". Yay again. This is why people hated the menu systems of windows after long duty cycles. You never organized applications, context, utilities, nor anything. You just dumped it in the programs section and bigger and fatter it got. Unless you are like me and created sub categories for Applications, Utilities, and you already had one for Games. So put the bloody stuff where it goes and the main menu and subsequent sub menu's is much more readable. Especially with different screen sizes. All I want to do is put my albums that are from one artist in a folder for that artist's, and categorized as such. Not scattered in the music library any which way. Come on man what is that about? And rebuilding the library to recognize this? Well thanks Microsoft for making me use the internet to find out how to do that. We wouldn't want that in the application menu where I might find it right? I would very much like to just at a glance access my playlists, albums, or artist in order to very quickly pick what I want to listen too, rather than search. You know, because you thought keyboards were bad when you came out with windows 8. You remember that right?

All this for forgotten pin sweet yes?
A phone reset won't change anything on the SD card, but if you have programs installed on there you will need to re-install them. You would not have to pay for them again.

You can't do a backup of the phone and restore it onto a clean one since you have issues with the phone now, a restore will just backup and restore those same issues.

Note what apps you have installed, remove the SD card, reset the phone, insert the SD card, go to the MS app store, re-download the apps.
A phone reset won't change anything on the SD card, but if you have programs installed on there you will need to re-install them. You would not have to pay for them again.

You can't do a backup of the phone and restore it onto a clean one since you have issues with the phone now, a restore will just backup and restore those same issues.

Note what apps you have installed, remove the SD card, reset the phone, insert the SD card, go to the MS app store, re-download the apps.