need help with a si3112 sata driver

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Dec 27, 2004
Joined: Dec 23, 2006
Posts: 10

(Msg. 1) Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:27 am
Post subject: need help installing a sata driver


Every time I try to install the si3112 driver I get an Install key fail error followed by an install driver error.
I have tried to install it off both a floppy and the nvidia cd and both give me the same errors.
I have no trouble installing the si3112r driver (the raid) version' but I want to use it as my start-up drive.

I have a GA-K8N PRO mobo and the drive is a WD3200ks.

If I can't get it to run where can I download a replacement dirver from --with-out haveing to download a huge driver package?
Your link helped me solve the SATA problem but I am also having a minor problem with my PATA drives. ON boot-up the ide scan finds no devices for drives 0-3 - there are 2 hard drives on the prim. and a cds and dvd on the sec.
after I boot up my computer shows all the drives and I can access them and devive manager also shows all the dirve. Is there a ATA driver problem?
Your BIOS isn't detecting you drives, but Windows is? Strange (assuming you don't have any kind of additional IDE controller card installed).

The first thing I would try, is entering your BIOS menus and make sure that all of your IDE channels are set to "Auto Detect".

Also, some mobos have a problem with "Cable Select" setiings - make sure the master/slave jumpers are set correctly for all of your drives - double check the hard drives as some manufactures require a different setting for "Master with Slave Present" than they do for "Master - only drive".

Finally, if you have a smaller case, make sure you don't have an IDE cable "backwards" - that is, make sure the "Motherboard" end (usually blue) is not plugged into your master drive, and vice-versa.

Since Windows is detecting all of your drives, it isn't a driver problem - it's got to be in the BIOS or the hardware.
I disconnected both ide drives and I am using just my one sata drive and I still have the no detect problem. I also found(when killing some extra time) that playing Microsoft's included spider solitire crashed the system I did this several times just to be sure- other wise the system seems fairly stable. It should be -the only changes I made was to replace the 2 ide drives with one larger sata drive and reinstall the system + apps.
I forget to mention that on start-up my machine still can't find the ata drives but the cd and dvd players still show up under my computer and devive manager. I still have no problems when accessing them

prim. -- no devices
sec. -- master-- cd
sec. -- slave -- dvd
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