need help with aorus 1080ti extreme edition 11gb overclock on msi afterburner

Aug 14, 2018
So I've been tinkering with my 1080ti for a few days on msi afterburner and I managed to only get an offset for my core clock to 30mhz and an offset of 700mhz on my mem clock, is this ok? or should I be able to get more out of it? This is without messing with the voltages and if I went any higher than 30mhz on core clock my graphics driver would crash when stress testing 🙁


CPU- i7 4790k 4GHz
Motherboard- Asus Sabertooth z97 mark 2
GPU- in the title
OS- windows 7 64-bit SP1
Ram- 16gb DDR3 corsair vengeance (i think don't remember the exact name)
PSU- 750W Corsair 80 gold

let me know if u need more info on hardware
Base core clock is,1480. Mine runs about 1900 core which is pretty good. The memory can always be clocked a good bit higher, core ia usually pushed close to the limit from factory

really is that what it is damn that's unfortunate, but why can i overclock my mem clock so high?

ok makes sense, thanks appreciate the help :)