Hi guys, I am looking into buying a computer to build. My budget is about 300$ but I would prefer to build one for 200$ or less so I can still have some money leftover for buying music production gear. The computer needs to be able to run the music production software Maschine and needs to be able to hold my AMD Radeon 460 Windforce OC 4gb edition gpu (no supplemental power required) ~75 watt card )) I dont really know what other processors will work in comparison to the i5 and 64 bit that the maschine program needs to run. I hear AMD Athlon processors are still good and cheap so if there is anything that will be better than an i5 2400 at around 60$ price that keeps the mobo relatively cheap and leaves room for lots of cheap RAM, that would be great. Please post any ideas you have and lets discuss this!!