Need help with BSoD 0x00000116


Dec 27, 2012
Hello community!
I have a long story to say but I hope I will find here someone who will read it and maybe could help me.
My Specs:
Mobo : Msi P43T-C51
CPU: Core 2 Quad Q6600 G0 Revision
RAM: 3.5GB ( 1 stick of 2gb ram, 3 others of 512mb)
GPU: Sapphire Radeon HD7750 1GB GDDR5
HDD: 1 x Disk Drive SAMSUNG HD161HJ ATA Device (160 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA-II)
1 x Disk Drive ST3500413AS ATA Device (465 GB, IDE) - on this is installed the OS
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1

Firstly, I had this BSOD for the first time like 5 months ago when I managed to fix it just by using System Recovery.
Since then it worked well for 2-3 months and day it showed up again.(second BSOD)
The BSOD appears after the windows loads (I noticed that the half right of the windows logo looks blurry - the yellow and the green squares are slightly distorted). Another strange thing is that I can enter in Safe Mode but the the screen has a very low resolution and 8 bit colors. It's very hard to use the system like that because the colors are mixed and it became pretty hard to use it like that.
When I got my second BSOD I managed to fix it for another 2-3 months only by unplugging the DVD-RW Drive. I don't know why it worked but since then I hadn't any issue until now.
This week , after I recently acquired another HDD (ST3500413AS ATA Device) the BSOD showed up again. I tried with both HDD and it didn't worked, then I used only my old HDD and it was looking fine...but I wanted to use the new HDD so I tried to fix it somehow. I don't know how I managed to make it to function properly, For a couple of days (with the new HDD) everything was fine until yesterday when the error showed up again.
I tried many versions of ATI drivers but nothing worked. I was just installing the display driver and nothing else but I always got the atikmpag.sys BSoD. I've also used Driver Sweepers to remove the old driver files but it still didnt worked. There was a fix with expanding the atikmpag.sy_ into atikmpag.sys and replacing the original driver file but after I tried that fix I got another BsoD, this time 0x124 (this BsoD appears as a report after win 7 loads). Surprinsgly when I get this 0x124 BsoD I can enter in Windows but it looks crappy like it looked before in Safe Mode.
I tried to reinstall Windows 7 several times but it didn't fix the problem. Another thing that I noticed is that when I used my pc with that crappy low resolution and 8 bit colors I tried to reinstall the windows and during the installation it looked all the time with crappy low resolution and 8 bit colors. Even after it finished the installation the resolution was still there.
Right now, when I decided that my 6 months old GPU is the problem I changed it with an old Gpu (Nvidia GeForce 6600) and I'm shocked to see that I got again that 0x116 BSoD. This time (with the Nvidia) after I got the BSoD the system restarted but the error didn't showed up again (neither the crappy resoultion).
I hope that someone can help me! Thanks in advance!

P,S: I've updated my OS to SP1 because I've read somewhere that it might fix the problem.
Let's start with your Power Supply. What is it? I need to know what PSU you are using. Before I was half way done reading, I said to myself Video Card is BAD. But you have a 2gb ram stick with 3 512mb sticks installed, not good. Use just the 2gb stick until you can buy the exact same stick for dual channel mode. Can you take the video card out and see if it boots? Try some of these and get back to me...

Firstly, thanks for fast replying! I did not expect that.
I have a strange psu....named ATX-PSU 450W.
Secondly, I did tried with only that 2gb ram stick and still BSoD. I've also runned different memory test and it didnt find anything bad. Also are you suggesting me to try to start the PC without video card? Because right now I'm using that GeForce 6600...and works normally...even if id BSoD after I installed the drivers.
Furthermore I tried the HD7750 Gpu in my brother's pc and I it did load the windows but again with that crappy resoultion and 8 bit colors.