Need help with buying a soundcard


Jan 18, 2017
So I got a pair of Sennheiser HD 598 CS and a modmic for Christmas and I'm having a tough time deciding on what soundcard to buy. Any recommendations?

I don't want any of that surround sound stuff as well.
If you're just looking for a bit better sound out of a PC, you might check out the Behringer UCS222. There's an ASIO driver, which is worth using as it sidesteps the Windows sound stack. The DAC is better than what's on your motherboard and it's quite useful if you need to convert digital audio from USB to S/PDIF, if you've got an S/PDIF DAC (or a receiver with good ones).

A semi cheap Tube amp DAC would also give you better quality over PC sound, frankly most of the Addon cards I have tried have been on par and not better than what you find on good quality motherboard.