Need help with cabling, especially the front panel header.


Jun 19, 2016
Asrock b250m HDV
CX 500 Corsair 500w

I am at the point after I have inserted the 24 and the 4 pin.
Now I am lost trying to insert the proper cabling.
I have tried to modify the casing of the connector to insert the system panel header. I have made it so the black wire is powerled negative and red wire powerled postive. However, there is still a white and a green wire that i do not know wat is it for.
Also I have a bunch of other wires and need to connect my SSD and HDD I am confused with.

Thank you

EDITED: My case
It doesnt tell me the model or whatever. The power button has all of the 4 wires connected to it. Red, black, white, green.
Not sure I totally understand your question here, but some advice:
For the front panel header, it shouldn't matter which is positive/negative for the switches, and probably not for the lights either. There ought to be matching labels between the switches and the board, even though they are very small.

As for the SATA cables and power to the hard drives - there's only one way to make those fit, so just keep trying things until each cable is plugged in on both ends. You need separate power and data cable for each hard drive.

Hope this helps.
It does matter for the leds.

If the wires are connected to the wrong pins (if negative (the black wire from the front of the case), is connected to the + pin on the mobo header), the led wont light up.

If it doesnt swap the + and - wires

Read the mobo manual. So you know what header does what

2 wires from the front will be for the hdd led, if its got one. 2 for the power button, 2 for the power led if it's got one

led's have polarity. The power button doesnt. So it doesnt matter which way you connect the power button wires to the mobo header


So I have an HDD and SSD. I want to use the SSD as my boot drive therefore i made it sit on SATA 0. HDD SATA 2. SATA cable connects to each drive and to the motherboard. One power cable powers both ssd and hdd. I think that is how you do the drives. Now i have to do the CD and all these other wirings i have no clue about (except video graphics which is very easy to install.

What I mean is this.
Because my front panel header was too wide to fit on my motherboard, i made modifications to the wiring and the case so it would fit.
I think i know where the black and red goes which is black = negative pLED and red = positive pLED. But I am left off with the white and green wire. I know one of them has to be the power switch. which one is it tho? and if one is the power switch, wat is the other wire for? there is no labeling on the wire to tell me.


when u say 2 wires for the power button. according to the manual i am left off with PWRBTN# which is the power button and RESET# which i think is the restart. which wire goes to which one?
Read the mobo manual. reset is the bottom right 2 pins. Thats what the wires for the reset button from the front of the case go to

The power led top pin and the 3rd pin across on the top row header.

The power wires from the front go to pwr_sw on the bottom next to reset

The hdd led wires from the front go to hdd_led on the bottom left where it says hdd_led

Make sure the + and - for the leds from the front are on the right pins. If they dont light up when it's going swap the wires

If you've got a mobo speaker, it plugs into the 4 pins on (the right - top row of pins) on the front panel header


i dont know which one is the power button wire or the reset wire. the red and black are the system power led i got those figured out. that is the problem. the power button on my chassis is both reset and power button
Seems like you are re-purposing something.

The black wire can likely go to any one of the negative(ground) pins.

The positive of each one should go to the appropriately labeled positive pin.

Seems like you only have reset/power/ and one or other HDD LED or Power LED.
When you only have one power and reset switch it will act as a power switch. You can then go in the BIOS and there should be an optionde to configure the power switch behavior to act as a reset when depressed briefly (They may do this by default now, been a while since I have run into this problem)

the power button has all of the 4 wires
black red which is the power LED
white green which is probably the power switch and reset. dont know which one.

so i wouldnt matter which wire goes to the power switch? I really dont wanna fry up my motherboard. I forgot to mention the case.

If you can remember what wires from that connector (you modified - what holes they were in - from the front of the case)

You should have turned it around. It maybe keyed so it will only fit one way on the front panel header on the mobo

That'll tell you what wires go where on the front panel header

And no it doesnt matter which way you connect the power button wires to the front panel header

Best I can tell from matching the old header block to the listed components on the old motherboard, here's what your wires mean:

Red: + LED
Black: - LED
White: + Power Switch
Green: -Power Switch

but there is no - + power switch on my new motherboard. So what do i do?

but there is 1 pwer_sw pin.
u mean the power button # and the reset #?
I believe you would use a ground for that. SO...


I'm guessing it doesn't matter which ground, but I'd go with the GND on the left, so they're all in a row.

No there's 2 pins for pwr and 2 for reset. the bottom right 2 pins on the front panel header are for reset. The 2 in the middle (on the bottom are for power from the front of the case)


before i do it can u explain wat ground is? I have just discovered that after digging up very old pictures, i was able to determine that the green and white wires were connected to two pins that both said power switch. would it matter if one is positive and one is negative, or the orientation of it? this is the manual for my new motheboard. i dont get it when u mean bottom right two pins are for reset. i read on the manual that it says for HDLED there is the manual for my MB about front panel
I just tried white wire on powerbutton and green wire to the right of it GND. [strike]didnt start.[/strike]
PSU was off. its turned on will update u very soon