Need help with my first gaming pc buget 1600$


Aug 29, 2011
Approximate Purchase Date: in October

Budget Range: 1600-1800$ flexible

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, running a virtual mac, 3ds max, movies.

Parts Not Required: OS, keyboard and mouse.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts:
I am kinda limited with the parts available, newest ones probably being not available (for now)

Country of Origin: Egypt

SLI or Crossfire: in the future.

Monitor Resolution:1920x1080

Parts Preferences: I had selected an i7 2600k but was told that unless am going to use 3 monitors for gaming am not going to notice a difference so am not sure if I should get an i5 now, considering that am going run a virtual mac machine should I stick with the i7?

VGA; I've chosen gtx 580 over 2 460 SLI, because I am planing to get another gtx 580 in the future

monitor: Samsung PX2370


a 100 dollars is 600 eg pounds, parts will usually cost slightly more than in the us.

am planing to keep this machine for at least 4 years, is that too much ;s?

Your help will be greatly appreciated because am pretty much a total newbie.


Jun 2, 2011
Can't answer your i5 vs i7 question, since I don't know what difference Hyper Threading would add to a virtual machine (i7's have HT and i5's do not).

In terms of how long you're system will last, it will be dependent on parts you select. SLI/Crossfire later on is a good way to add a year or so down the line for low cost, but you need to plan for it with a Power Supply that can handle both cards, as well as ideally a Motherboard with two PCI-e slots that run at least 8x/8x with two cards.

If I have time, may do some hunting for parts, but my suggestions will probably need an improvement or two.


Aug 29, 2011

Well thanks for taking the time to reply. :)