Need help with my HP pc upgrade !!!


(I am assuming you are talking about this card: )
The gigabyte version is a bit big but as the case is a mid ATX I would guess that it would since the card is only an inch or so longer...
If the power supply can support the 7570 (which is the gpu the page says it has) then it can definitely support the 960. As for the ram open up the computer and look to see if it has extra ram slots, if it does than you can just add more ram to it, if not get some larger capacity ram and replace the sticks. Also make sure the computer is completely powered off when you do the upgrades.

Thanks, i upgraded the ram...Would the 960 fit in the pc, for example the gigabyte gtx 960?

(I am assuming you are talking about this card: )
The gigabyte version is a bit big but as the case is a mid ATX I would guess that it would since the card is only an inch or so longer than the usual 10 inches. If you wanted to you could get a slightly shorter card open up the computer and measure the space. I am assuming you are talking about the 4gb g1 gaming version which is 11.61 inches long and 4.5 inches wide. If it doesn't fit just get a different 4gb 960.

Thanks a lot.