Need help with new processor and motherboard

James Klaus

Aug 11, 2014
Ok, so pretty much, I want to run video games better then I am at the moment, and I'm thinking about getting the Asus Crosshair V Formula-Z, from my ASRock 960GM-GS3 FX, but in order to make sure that all my components work, I want to switch out my AMD FX-8100 for an AMD FX-9370 (OEM/Tray). I was also thinking about changing my power supply (I forgot the wattage but I know it is low) for a 750 watt power supply. Additionally, I want to know if it will fit in a Thermaltake Commander MS-I case.

I really would appreciate your help!
Is there a particular reason you want to use the 9370? It's pretty much a 8350 overclocked with small performance increase.

I'm inclined to suggest an i5 just because you're changing motherboards. An i5 out paces any AMD CPU.

I was thinking about an i5 actually, which one is compatible and able to outclock the 8350?

Edit: Just looked at some i5's. Is the Intel Core i5 I5‑4670K 3.4 GHz Quad‑Core compatible and good?
I have actually decided to go with a 8350. I like the motherboard and I don't really want to change it. Now is there anything that I should know before buying the motherboard and processor?

Just to make sure I have this correctly, you still want the Formula Z correct? Because the ASRock 960GM-GS3 does not support the 8350.

Also, the Formula Z is a very expensive motherboard. If you're not going to do some serious overclocking or need the advance features that come with the board, you're simply wasting money. Motherboards provide little to no performance difference (the only difference is overclocking ability). You could buy a $120 motherboard an have the same effect as the $230 Formula-Z.

I personally think you're wasting money. I have trouble recommending motherboards over $150 simply because the investment rate of return drop drastically unless the advanced features are needed.

Things to know about switching motherboards:
1. You will have to re-install Windows (technically no, but it's the easiest way)
2. You have to have a retail version of Windows. If you have an OEM version, you'll have to buy a new copy because OEM versions are tied to the motherboard.

Power supplies:
1. Wattage isn't the most important factor. Quality is. Buy: Antec, XFX, Seasonic, EVGA G2 or B2, Corsair TX or HX or AX (stay away from CX or RM), Rosewill Capstone, Superflower