
Jun 17, 2007
ok i need help with a new system i veloctiy model: promajix E2035.

well the problem unable to connect to the internet with it. I using my old pc right now to do this. I use all the new wires except the ethernet connection. It works fine here but when I pop in the ethernet into the new pc it just wont connect. cany anybody please help. I called GeekSquad which was **** ghetto...they kept trying to send someone down to the house...i was like NO. They didnt want to help. only way they were willing to help is if someone was sent over to my house. which is $100 just to determine the problem..!! WHAT!? lol yea...but please if you can help it will be greatly appreciated.
More information required :
1. Is TCP/IP installed on your new PC.
2. How is your network configured.. I am presuming all your PCs connect to your router. In that case are the PCs configured for Static IP or dynamic IP? If dynamic IP then is you new PC configured to get IP address automatically.
3. can you ping your router from the new PC
1. Hmmm sorry im a noob...but what is a TC/IP....

2. Im not using a router im using a modem...I have cable. ethernet.

and im using it right now with my old pc in order to ask you guys for help...the cables im using right is the cables it came with...if i connect all the wires the same way with the new pc it wont connect to the internet.

sorry if i made this even more confusing..
Ok here what you should do
First lets see how your working/old PC is setup
1. Goto Control Panel --> Network Connections. Here you should see something like "Local Area Connection" with status as "Connected". Right Click this and select Properties. In the windows that pops us select "Internet (TCp/IP)" and choose properties. Here copy down all the options that have been set as this is what you have to setup in your new PC.

2. To check if TCP/IP is installed in your NEW PC goto Control Panel --> Network Connections. Here you should see something like "Local Area Connection" . Right Click this and select Properties. In the windows that pops us ensure that "Internet (TCp/IP)" is ticked. If not tick it and choose install

3. Once you have confirmed that TCP/IP is installed and ticked. Select it and choose Properties. Here ensure that the values set are the same as that in your OLD PC.

4. Now try to ping the Router/Cable Modem.

If it doesnt work then tell me what the settings are in your old PC and we will take it from there
Ok in your old PC go to Command Prompt and type the following:

ipconfig /all

In that you should have the line "Default Gateway" . This is generally the IP address of the Router/Cable Modem. Then from the command prompt fire

ping ip_address

Repeat the ping part in your new PC after connecting the network cable
im so sorry but how do i go to command prompt?

do i have to do this in order to connect?

on nvm i found i type "ping ip_address" ?
to go to command prompt

Start --> Run

Here type


This will open the command prompt window.

What were are trying to do is to identify if it is a setup issue or a network issue
my new pc is vista not can anybody help me...i alreayd tried what i was from above...i hit install but it says "clinet", "protocal" and something else forgot...i hit instal on protocal and another windows pops doenst give me options but one that says "have disk"....please help

new pc says i have two versions...tcp/ip...what does they both do?
lets start again. In your old PC (is it vista or XP) can you give me the output of the following command :

ipconfig /all

Also tell me what is set for the following:

Goto Control Panel --> Network Connections. Here you should see something like "Local Area Connection" with status as "Connected". Right Click this and select Properties. In the windows that pops us select "Internet (TCp/IP)" and choose properties. Here copy down all the options that have been set as this is what you have to setup in your new PC.

In case it is vista use TCP/IPv4
I do not have vista, so this maybe a stupid answer, But doesnt Vista have a "New Connection Wizard" like XP. That would seem the easy place to start.

my old pc is xp...only thing is im at work right ima go ahead and do this tonite when i get home....only thing is when i go on my old pc and go to the doesnt have two versions...all it says TCP/IP and thats pc have version 6 and version i see you said version 4 i know what im looking for... when i go to the properties(tcp/ip) in my old pc nothing comes know what before i make it more confusing...let me do connect my comp tonite and see what i come up with....sorry for the confusion...ill bbl.

Thank you for all your help.
No problem. In your old PC just give me the output of

ipconfig /all

which you should run from your command prompt. That should give us some of the information we are looking for.
hey i got it man.....i called my cable company and it was simple..thanks anyways...i appreciate your help. I guess no one else cared but Have a nice night. Thank you!