Need help with pc upgrades


Feb 13, 2012
I have an old computer I made I think six years ago now wanted to upgrade a few things on it to get it running faster the hardrive ram and power supply are pretty good still wanted to replace the gpu and cpu
this is the current motherboard
here is the cpu
and gpu

Was thinking of replacing the gpu with a gtx 750 and the cpu im not really sure motherboard doesn't support intel so im not sure what amd would be a decent upgrade but not over the top for an older set up.
To be honest your system is kind of at a dead-end in terms of upgradability. AM3 is an outdated platform and has been for a while so theres nothing you can do with the CPU.

My advice would be slap a new GPU in there for a temporary upgrade, and sit on some cash until you have enough to buy a new PC outright (use the upgrade GPU in that).
Their probably is (Phenom II X4 Black Edition's comes to mind), but are they still in stock and is the upgrade worth doing over just building a new rig is the question.
AM3 and AM3+ cross compatibility is possible, but has some limitations and rules to it which I'm not too sure on so I wont recommend it.

The problem is that with really old systems its difficult to upgrade in a way that's meaningful yet wont be bottlenecked. You could put in a new GPU, but it will be bottlenecked by the current system. You could put in a Phenom, but its not a meaningful upgrade so its not worth doing.

Often the best solution to "upgrading" an old system is just too get a new one. Your situation is better than most as your not dealing with DDR2 and IDE HDD's but its pretty close.
The others are right... the best upgrade you can really do is get a faster card... Since your motherboard is PCI 2.0.. you don't really need anything more than a R9 280x or similar.

If you want better overall performance... I would consider getting an SSD.. I was blown away the first time I ever used one. My Computer went from 45 secs to boot up to just under 15 seconds... and that was with a SATA 2. Programs like Word Processors, Browsers, DVD Encoders will fly open almost instantly.. Then you can just use your current/old hard drive to keep all your music, videos, and Documents on... and Image Backups of your SSD.
Not really trying to upgrade it to the top of the line just want to fix the clunkyness it has from being so old before I send it to a friend the processor gets overloaded easly and the gpu crashes everything els on the pc is decent and runs fine