Question Slow Ethernet Speed


Jan 10, 2013
Having a speed connection issue with my Windows 10 PC wired to a Hitron 5712 modem/router using an Intel 1219-V ethernet card, which came on an ASRock Z390 Pro 4 motherboard.

My ISP package provides 600 Mbps download speed . My laptop actually gets 680 Mbps on WiFi, but my PC tops at at 430 Mbps at the most going through the same router/modem.

The ethernet driver was last updated in 2020. I downloaded some alleged updated drivers, but it came in a big zip file and I'm embarrassed to say I'm not sure what to do with it. Lots of folders in there. :)

My ISP sent a new modem, but the problem still persists. I've tried changing cables, connection ports (only one on the PC). I've also tried uncapping download speed in Device Manager from Auto to the highest value to no avail.

EDIT: I did update the drivers. No change.

I still don't know what the problem is. Thanks for any help. :)
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My ISP package provides 600 Mbps download speed . My laptop actually gets 680 Mbps on WiFi, but my PC tops at at 430 Mbps at the most going through the same router/modem.
600 Mbps is "up to" and not "constant". So, it varies and usually is lower. Rarely higher.

With wi-fi connection, there is priority connection as well, whereby, your laptop is primary, thus getting the most bandwidth, while desktop is secondary and is getting less.
You could cap the bandwidth for laptop to 500 Mbps or 400 Mbps and look if speeds increase on desktop.

Or you can call ISP tech on site, who then does it for you, if you don't know how.