Hey so I’ve recently ran into an issue with a new power supply I got here are my specs
Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3050(I know…)
And the culprit I thinkkk lian li SP750 power supply
About 4 days I bought a lian li snowl mini case looks real nice but made the rookie mistake of not checking the what Psu it takes. Took my trip to microcenter and bout the Lian li Psu plugged everything in mobo light turns on. Press case pwr button and nothing happens. I check my ram, my Psu connections, my gpu, everything I looked at my pc for so long and nothing came out of it. So I opens the back turned the switch on again and pressed the pwr button saw the fan inside the psu slightly jitter but that’s it. Checked the wattage I need for my pc and I’m good so I plug my old psu an evga 650wtt psu and everything turns on perfectly. So at this point I’m pretty sure it’s the lian li psu, the day after I go back to microcenter and get an exchange for the Psu I got the same psu the lian li one. I get home connect everything and same issue. At this point I’m close to selling the case and getting my refund on the psu cause I’m lost I talked to Technical support for microcenter one guy said it has to be the psu other dude said it has to be my components keep in mind I’ve had these components for 3 months maybe. Idk what to do anymore can I please get some help. And yes the f panel connections are all connected just fine. Please help me 🙁((
INTEL i7-12700kGigabyte GeForce RTX 3050(I know…)
And the culprit I thinkkk lian li SP750 power supply
About 4 days I bought a lian li snowl mini case looks real nice but made the rookie mistake of not checking the what Psu it takes. Took my trip to microcenter and bout the Lian li Psu plugged everything in mobo light turns on. Press case pwr button and nothing happens. I check my ram, my Psu connections, my gpu, everything I looked at my pc for so long and nothing came out of it. So I opens the back turned the switch on again and pressed the pwr button saw the fan inside the psu slightly jitter but that’s it. Checked the wattage I need for my pc and I’m good so I plug my old psu an evga 650wtt psu and everything turns on perfectly. So at this point I’m pretty sure it’s the lian li psu, the day after I go back to microcenter and get an exchange for the Psu I got the same psu the lian li one. I get home connect everything and same issue. At this point I’m close to selling the case and getting my refund on the psu cause I’m lost I talked to Technical support for microcenter one guy said it has to be the psu other dude said it has to be my components keep in mind I’ve had these components for 3 months maybe. Idk what to do anymore can I please get some help. And yes the f panel connections are all connected just fine. Please help me 🙁((