Question Need help with Power Supply Urgent

Jan 23, 2024
Hey so I’ve recently ran into an issue with a new power supply I got here are my specs


INTEL i7-12700k
Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3050(I know…)
And the culprit I thinkkk lian li SP750 power supply

About 4 days I bought a lian li snowl mini case looks real nice but made the rookie mistake of not checking the what Psu it takes. Took my trip to microcenter and bout the Lian li Psu plugged everything in mobo light turns on. Press case pwr button and nothing happens. I check my ram, my Psu connections, my gpu, everything I looked at my pc for so long and nothing came out of it. So I opens the back turned the switch on again and pressed the pwr button saw the fan inside the psu slightly jitter but that’s it. Checked the wattage I need for my pc and I’m good so I plug my old psu an evga 650wtt psu and everything turns on perfectly. So at this point I’m pretty sure it’s the lian li psu, the day after I go back to microcenter and get an exchange for the Psu I got the same psu the lian li one. I get home connect everything and same issue. At this point I’m close to selling the case and getting my refund on the psu cause I’m lost I talked to Technical support for microcenter one guy said it has to be the psu other dude said it has to be my components keep in mind I’ve had these components for 3 months maybe. Idk what to do anymore can I please get some help. And yes the f panel connections are all connected just fine. Please help me 🙁((
So computer works off old Power supply right. And were fighting x2 new units lian li SP750 right.

Can it be if cables can plug in both ways on the power supply " it's happened in past on power supplies" are you sure all cables are in the correct direction from power supply to motherboard.

Or like suggested already is to bread board and test. But I'm kind of reluctant to have you do that as it works with old EVGA.
Don't want to send you down a endless rabbit hole as it does work.
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Given the facts, its almost irrefutably the Lian Li PSUs that are bad. When you exchanged the first Lian Li PSU are you sure that you got a different PSU back as a replacement? I suspect you got the same one you turned in back as a "new" one for exchange. The only other possibility, within reason, is that particular batch of Lian Li PSUs are junk.
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So computer works off old Power supply right. And were fighting x2 new units lian li SP750 right.

Can it be if cables can plug in both ways on the power supply " it's happened in past on power supplies" are you sure all cables are in the correct direction from power supply to motherboard.

Or like suggested already is to bread board and test. But I'm kind of reluctant to have you do that as it works with old EVGA.
Don't want to send you down an endless rabbit hole as it does work.
Yeah I’ve plugged everything correctly I believe given that some cables come weird but I think I did it right this is the second lian li Psu that’s done this I’m either gonna go get an exhange for another Psu just a different brand if I can’t figure it out
I was thinking as well maybe the whole box of power supplies fell off the delivery truck hard in shipping.
I asked microcenter maybe their whole batch got like super messed up and I’m over here single handling figuring it out one by one lol.but I hope not cause I really wanna get my pc working I’m gonna get maybe an exhange for a different brand of Psu and see how that goes
I was thinking as well maybe the whole box of power supplies fell off the delivery truck hard in shipping.
Given the facts, its almost irrefutably the Lian Li PSUs that are bad. When you exchanged the first Lian Li PSU are you sure that you got a different PSU back as a replacement? I suspect you got the same one you turned in back as a "new" one for exchange. The only other possibility, within reason, is that particular batch of Lian Li PSUs are junk.
yeah I went to the Psu and chose the second replacement Ima try to get a exhange for another brand and hopefully this fixes my issue cause I miss fallout 😭
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We will get this sorted, just keep the mood up!
I changed the Psu I bought a Corsair SF750 and everything is working….. except now my motherboard is stuck on the orange light DRAM how do I fix this ?
I was thinking as well maybe the whole box of power supplies fell off the delivery truck hard in shipping.
I bought another Psu a Corsair SF750 and everything is working but now my motherboard is stuck on an orange light dram how do I fix this ?