Question Need help with random 200+ ms spikes

Apr 26, 2020
So basically about a month ago my internet started being really weird. Out of nowhere my 50-100 ping would shoot up by an extra 200 ping no matter what game I play. I've tried everything. Uninstalled and reinstalled my drivers, changing regedit settings, changing router settings, etc and nothing is working. I even ended up getting a new modem and the problem is still there. I've been wired up with Ethernet the whole time and every game I play stutters every 10 sec if i'm lucky. I get the same problems when i am on wifi and wired up directly to the modem and router. I had an arris sb6190 for about 2 years and it was fine until this problem started to i decided to switch to an sb6183 (doesnt have a Puma 6 chip) and the problem stayed with me. Nothing is working so any help would be appreciated. i am on windows 10 with a custom built pc that i built around 3-4 years ago i can provide parts if necessary but i dont think it is since this is a internet issue
I tried uploading pictures of my ping but it wont work. I get 0-1 ms when pinging my router and my download speed if around 100 mbps and around 5 upload. When I ping a website like google it jumps from 20-50 ms to like 150-300 and its very annoying in game because its like every 5 seconds or something.