Question Need help with settings for Adobe Acrobat to read books and magazines


Oct 24, 2007
I'm trying to use Adobe Acrobat to read old books and magazines in PDF format. I have been able to get the 2 page view setup but the problem is it does it with the cover as well which throws off the layout. What I would prefer is 2 page view (gatefold) for all pages EXCEPT the cover. I think that would correct the layout. Is this possible?

SOLVED: There's actually an option that says "Show Cover in Two Page View"

For anyone looking for a similar config here's what I did:
  • Edit> Preferences (Ctrl+k)> Full Screen> Uncheck "Fill screen with one page at a time">OK.
  • View(Upper left corner)> Page Display> Check "Two Page View"
  • Open document> View (upper left corner)> Full Screen Mode. (or just hit Ctrl+L)
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This depends on how the boot itself is set in PDF. I would set default Reader to two-page setting, and close my eyes while skipping over the cover page.

Maybe I was not clear in why this is annoying. If the cover is not by itself it throws the entire layout off of the book. For example if there is artwork in the story or article that spans across two pages that's lost because you're not viewing it as the publisher intended. Instead you'll only be able to see it on different pages. Does this make sense?

A simple solution seems to somehow set the first page (the cover) to a 1 page layout while having the rest a 2 page layout.