Need help with SSD purchase


Jun 9, 2015
I have a 4 year old Samsung Laptop which has 8GB ram and an AMD Vision A6 34xx Quad Core processor with built in graphics It only has Sata 2. The existing drive is a 5400 RPM model. I am interested in getting a 240 to 512 GB size SSD and would appreciate suggestions. My budget is $200 or so. How much speed loss would I have running a Sata 3 SSD on Sata 2?




As USAFRet said, the performance will be still be faster than an HDD.

I recently upgraded my notebook (i7 4700MQ, 8GB RAM) from the factory 5400RPM HDD to a 250GB EVO SSD, and the performance increase is impressive. The biggest thing is how much more responsive the SSD is - no more clicking a desktop icon and waiting a few seconds for the program to launch etc.

Anyway, some numbers:
SATA 2 = Up to 375MB/s
SATA 3 = Up to 750MB/s

Most new SSDs fall around 500MB/s read/write. Although SATA 3 would be the best option, you are not going to see a huge bottleneck by using SATA 2, and as stated before, its still much faster than an existing HDD.