Need help with SSD


Feb 6, 2014
I have recently upgraded my computer and the parts are at quite a high end e.g.
i7 4770k
GTX 770

However I still haven't upgraded my terrible 5600rpm HDD due to lack of knowledge on whether to get a 7200rpm HDD or keep my old one and just get a SSD.

I am ready to buy a SSD and have a budget of about £150 but before I bought one
I wanted to know how they work such as:

- Because the OS will go on there does that mean the (programs files) folder will be on there and will fill up quick due to the installation of games.

-Will I have to format my HDD I am using now as it has the OS on it and I want it on the SSD for faster boot up.

-What SSD drive should I be looking for in my budget.

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, I have tried to look around before posting but haven't found the specific questions that I have asked.


That one works. Good choice, reasonable size.

A 120GB SSD can hold the OS, and quite a lot of applications. And maybe a game or two.
Games can be put wherever you want. Stem in particular allows you multiple locations...
Thanks for the quick reply, I was thinking of purchasing this SSD

How would I go about making sure not everything installs on it?

And is it possible to add and remove games to the SSD depending on how much I play them
E.G I put BF4 as I play it a lot so the map loads faster, but if I get bored of it how do I swap
it for another game so I only have a few on the SSD at a time so it doesn't get full, I hope you get what I mean.

That one works. Good choice, reasonable size.

A 120GB SSD can hold the OS, and quite a lot of applications. And maybe a game or two.
Games can be put wherever you want. Stem in particular allows you multiple locations.

See this these tutorials for managing space on that SSD:

Win 7 & 8 :
Win 8.1 :

For Steam games specifically:
Thanks again for the quick reply, I also had the question about my 5600rpm 2tb HDD, once I get the SSD is it worth upgrading the 2tb HDD to a 7200rpm HDD or will it not matter that much?

When I pick a solution for the post will I be able to come back to it to watch those videos as I shall be getting the SSD at the end of the month and want to come back to the post for help. Also I was thinking of maybe getting the 250gb and was wondering if it was worth it.

Thanks again.

I probably wouldn't bother changing the HDD as well. OS and applications living on the SSD, stuff where it doesn't matter on the HDD. Yes, a 7200 would be faster than your current one, but not hugely so.

And if your budget provides, the 250GB EVO would do well.