Question Need Help with Stuck Keyboard Cable on Gigabyte Aero 15 XA

Jun 13, 2024
Hi everyone,

I’m having trouble with my Gigabyte Aero 15 XA laptop and could really use some assistance.

Issue: The laptop keyboard sometimes stops working entirely. Sometimes for hours, days and even weeks at a time. To troubleshoot, I decided to reseat the keyboard cable. However, I'm having difficulty removing the keyboard cable—it seems to be stuck, even after loosening the securing clip.

What I've done so far:
1. Powered off the laptop and disconnected the power supply.
2. Removed the back cover to access the internals.
3. Located the keyboard cable and loosened the securing clip.

Problem: Despite loosening the clip, the keyboard cable still won't come out. It feels like it's stuck, and I don't want to apply too much force and risk damaging it.

Request: Any advice on safely removing the keyboard cable? Has anyone experienced similar issues with the Gigabyte Aero 15 XA? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.

I have never done anything like this before but since I can't afford to pay a professional and really need this laptop for work, I wanted to try if reseating the cable would help.
I have checked any software fixes I could find online, none of which have solved the problem, so I'm confident that it's a hardware issues. I also don't know any professional hardware terms, so using terms I would understand is greatly appreciated.

I don't know how to attach pictures of the internals for better context to the post. But I do have some, if you would tell me how to post them.

Thank you in advance for your help!
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

There's only so much you can explain with text that you need to rely on other forms of media to illustrate what you're talking about. In this instance you should pass on images of the mechanism holding the ribbon cable in place. Host your images on a site like Imgur or their ilk and then pass on a link to the image in this thread(there's a guide in my sig space).

Just an FYI, there's usually ears on either ends of the ribbon cable to allow the cable to sit flush in the latching mechanism, perhaps be gentle in removing it/lifting it up.

See if this guide helps you;