Need help with updating bios on GA-H81M-H to overclock Intel G3258


Dec 13, 2014
So basically, I just build my first PC and it all went pretty perfectly, and I'm super happy with the outcome! I've installed windows 8.1, however I haven't installed my graphics cards since its due to arrive on saturday/Monday, though I'm guessing it should be pretty straight forward. I'm using a gigabyte motherboard, the GA-H81M-H and its currently got the bios version F5. I need the update F7, though may as well update to F8, in order to overclock my CPU, the wonderful Intel pentium G3258. I've found the update I need as I know the revision version of the board I own, but I have a couple of questions. The first is that there are different options to download for each update by country, will it make a difference if I choose America or Europe or am I being an idiot here? I'm in the UK. Also, the updater that comes with the zip file in each download won't open on my machine, says it's incompatible with 64 bit, someone said I'd need to run it from cmd but I'm not exactly sure how to do that, I'm quite familiar with using the terminal on linux/android but not windows. Thanks a lot for your help guys, and congrats to me for converting to PC and being successful in my first build! (Yay!!!)
First of all, disclaimer: flashing BIOS is risky, therefore please don't blame me if something goes wrong during the process.
Now, I suggest using Q-Flash in BIOS: Check the pdf file for instructions.
"The first is that there are different options to download for each update by country"
Can you give an example? AFAIK, same model boards are all the same, therefore updates should work no matter what country you live in.
First of all, disclaimer: flashing BIOS is risky, therefore please don't blame me if something goes wrong during the process.
Now, I suggest using Q-Flash in BIOS: Check the pdf file for instructions.
"The first is that there are different options to download for each update by country"
Can you give an example? AFAIK, same model boards are all the same, therefore updates should work no matter what country you live in.