Need input on new build


Aug 5, 2015
Hello everyone, I just need some input on the overall compatibility of my build and whether everything will function together especially in selecting the correct RAM for a motherboard

These are the parts that I plan on purchasing:
Corsair CX500:
FX 6300:
G. Skill Areas:
GT 520 (I know this GPU is old, but it's the only GPU I own at the moment)

I am pretty much everything should function together after I went through the motherboard's manufacture's website and power wattage calculator, but I am currently stuck at selecting the correct RAM to purchase because I want to purchase the G. Skill Areas as it's a low profile RAM, but it's not listed on the manufacture's Qualified Vendor List, but on G Skill's website, it says that the Areas is compatible with the motherboard I plan on purchasing.

Any type of help or feedback on the correct type of RAM I should select is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Ram... is ram. don't worry bout it. As long as the slots match, you'll be fine. You might need to make some tweaks in the bios to make it work properly, but it should be fine.

Rest of the system:
Depends on what you're planning with it...
But, I suggest getting a better PSU. The CX series is trash last i checked, and I doubt it's any better now...

PC Part Picker says this build is compatible, so do you think my build is pretty much good to go?

Is there a different manufacture for a power supply unit that you would recommend that would be reliable?