I'm looking to do a bit of tinkering such as adding a couple of LED strips and running them off fan power or a secondary power source.
For that I'd obviously prefer the same connectors I'm using for fans, but I can't see them available separately (or maybe preferably with cable leads already soldered in) anywhere. Yes I could just cut and tear apart the readily available fan cables but considering a splitter or such costs around $5 they are a bit expensive. Must be about the best markup in the computer business when you consider the parts must be just a few pennies at the factory.
Is there a source for the connectors (could use both, 3 pin preferred)? Or is it just a regular electronics connector that goes with a different name (we might see them in some other equipment too)?
A backup plan could be to tear apart existing cables and just replace them with some of the connector types that are used in say the RC world. Many types of multiwire connectors but for LEDs and such I only need two wires anyway which gives me a huge selection of suitable connectors, and I have dozens of those in store. I could even cut the wires and solder a 3rd lead to an existing splitter etc. Not such an elegant solution though.
I could also use molex and SATA-power connectors for power if they are available somewhere.
And anybody have some cool suggestions for switches to use? I could mount them to the usual panels that cover 5.25" drive bays but mine are under the door so they must be low profile. Was thinking of possibly using just regular fan controllers, but again that can be a bit overblown or clumsy too.
For that I'd obviously prefer the same connectors I'm using for fans, but I can't see them available separately (or maybe preferably with cable leads already soldered in) anywhere. Yes I could just cut and tear apart the readily available fan cables but considering a splitter or such costs around $5 they are a bit expensive. Must be about the best markup in the computer business when you consider the parts must be just a few pennies at the factory.
Is there a source for the connectors (could use both, 3 pin preferred)? Or is it just a regular electronics connector that goes with a different name (we might see them in some other equipment too)?
A backup plan could be to tear apart existing cables and just replace them with some of the connector types that are used in say the RC world. Many types of multiwire connectors but for LEDs and such I only need two wires anyway which gives me a huge selection of suitable connectors, and I have dozens of those in store. I could even cut the wires and solder a 3rd lead to an existing splitter etc. Not such an elegant solution though.
I could also use molex and SATA-power connectors for power if they are available somewhere.
And anybody have some cool suggestions for switches to use? I could mount them to the usual panels that cover 5.25" drive bays but mine are under the door so they must be low profile. Was thinking of possibly using just regular fan controllers, but again that can be a bit overblown or clumsy too.