Need Opinion on Selling Old PC Parts

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May 20, 2018
I’m planning on upgrading very soon, specifically my motherboard, ram, and CPU so I am selling my old hardware. The issue I’m having is that sellers aren’t giving really what I’d call accurate prices for used stuff, especially used to my degree. I think my motherboard has a bunch of $200 listings, which is absurd.
The parts I have are as follows:
Motherboard: Asrock 990fx killer
CPU: FX8320
RAM: 2x8 2133 MHz ADATA ram.
The motherboard and CPU are old, 8 years used, while the ram is newer since it was RMA’d, about 2 years old now. I’ve overclocked the CPU at 4ghz for a good portion of those years, not sure how long specifically. Recently oc’d to 4.5ghz
I'm not expecting to make a lot of money back, as they are very old parts, but I'm just curious about what fair prices would be before listing the parts.

I’m new to selling used parts and don’t have any knowledge of pricing and how those prices adjust as they’re used more, so I appreciate any feedback and help.
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