Need opinion on what gaming computer to buy


Nov 13, 2016
So I'm relatively new to desktops and thought I'd just get an opinion on which of these three choices would be best for a gaming computer. 1. 2. 3. Here they are. Thank you
Ps: Building is not an option for me

This build has i5-6500 CPU, GTX 970 GPU and 8GB DDR4 RAM at 2133 Mhz, making it a medium-end gaming PC according to the today's standards.

This one is similar to the build above, having i5-6402P CPU, GTX 1060 3GB GPU and 8GB DDR4 RAM at 2133 Mhz.
The best is #2. CyberPower Z170 i5.

#1 has FX-8350 CPU that is 43% worse than i5-6600K in #2 build. This build uses the old DDR3 RAM. Note: AM3+ socket has 0 upgrade paths.
#3 has G4440 CPU that is 88% worse than i5-6600K in #2 build. This build has DDR4 RAM but it's only 4GB and at 2133 Mhz.

#2 build is the most up to the date. It's Skylake i5-6600K and Z-series MoBo enables you to OC the CPU. Which is nicely supported with 2x 4GB DDR4 3000 Mhz RAM. GPU is a tad bit weak, GTX 1050. But still, it will do far better than the other two builds.

In the last day I've talked to a lot o people and I have found one that people agree is the best option and I'll post a link so you can put your opinion on it
Here she is.

About the 4th PC that you linked.
By default, it is better in games than the i5-6600K build but only because it has the GTX 1060 6GB GPU in it.
If it had the same GTX 1050 GPU as the i5-6600K build has, it would be far worse than i5-6600K build.

Here you have a decision to make. Either go with the 4th build, that has FX-6300 CPU, GTX 1060 6GB GPU, 2x 8GB DDR3 RAM at 1600 Mhz, 120GB SSD and 1TB HDD.
Do note that only CPU upgrade would be FX-8350 but it doesn't come even close to the performance of i5-6600K.

Or go with the 2nd build with i5-6600K CPU, GTX 1050 GPU, 2x 4GB DDR4 RAM at 3000 Mhz and 1TB HDD.
Just swap out the GPU and you have a solid high-end gaming rig according to the today's standards. You can even OC (overclock) the i5-6600K to reach the levels of i7-6700 if you so desire.

My suggestion would be that you go with the i5-6600K build.

I have 3 PCs in my household, Skylake, Haswell and AMD. Specs in my signature. There's a reason why i don't use AMD FX CPUs in my PCs.
Even though AMD FX series CPUs have more cores and threads than the Intel counterpart, it is also outdated technology (released in 2012), compared to the Intel's Skylake family (released in 2015).
AMD FX CPUs are more for a video rendering and server environment than for gaming.

A comparison between FX-6300 and i5-6600K,

Also a comparison between FX-8350 and i5-6600K,

And for bonus, a comparison between FX-8350 and i3-6100,
Do note that i3-6100 is considered as entry level/ low-end CPU according to the today's standards.
the second computer is by far the best.
cheaping out on the CPU and going for a platform that's 4 years old is never good as a GPU is easily replaced.

2nd build comes with the 6600k, which is like the 2nd best gaming CPU there is, has a very nice quality mainboard
only downsides are the mediocre GPU and PSU.

however if you were willing to build it yourself rather than buying a prebuild you can probably do a lot better

This build has i5-6500 CPU, GTX 970 GPU and 8GB DDR4 RAM at 2133 Mhz, making it a medium-end gaming PC according to the today's standards.

This one is similar to the build above, having i5-6402P CPU, GTX 1060 3GB GPU and 8GB DDR4 RAM at 2133 Mhz.
It does better in games than build above but it's CPU is worse than i5-6500 is.

I still think the best PC would be the i5-6600K build.
Also, it's rare to see prebuilt PCs offer the full OC ability from the start. Usually it's either K-series CPU without Z-series MoBo or vice-versa, thus hindering the potential gain from OC.

Here's one nice high-end gaming rig, i5-6600, GTX 1060 6GB, 8GB DDR4 RAM at 2133 Mhz,
But sadly, it's currently sold out in the online store. I wonder why. :sarcastic:

This PC has i5-6400 CPU, GTX 1060 3GB GPU, 16GB of RAM at 2133 Mhz, 120GB SSD and 1TB HDD.
A solid medium-end PC.

If you don't want to go with i5-6600K build then this one is 2nd best build.
I really appreciate the input I think I'm going to go with the i5-6600K. The only concern I have is Cyberpower to my knowledge has a poor track record with shipping but I'll risk it. Again thank you for input really helped me understand.