Need recomendation to connect 2 Homes with a Wireless LAN conection

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Oct 2, 2014
Hi All,

I would really appreciate if you can tell which which is the best method to create wireless connection between two homes separated with 20 meters long, so, let us start from the fact that I don't have any network device(just one old cisco linksys wrt54g2 v1),
I don't know what to do since my situation is the following:
home #1 (will be the main site)
- cable modem (20 megabits connection speed)
- has the cisco router mentioned above(I don't know if I should replace it)
Home #2
-this place is as 8 meters below from home#1and 20 meters long
-Need to know which is the best way to wirelessly connect to the main router at home#1(there is no way to use cables from one place to another)
-I saw some cheap wireless extenders but I don't know if they work, or maybe a big Athena?

Any ideas??
Any idea is really appreciated, I just need something cheaper as possible and stable,

With kind regards,


Wireless extenders will not work well.

Two wireless choices that are relatively inexpensive and would give an excellent signal would be (1) a pair of Ubiquiti Air Grid 2.4GHz outdoor APs aimed at each other if you have line of site, or (2) not quite as excellent for the signal and more expensive, a pair of ASUS RT-AC66U or RT-AC68U routers with one as a router in one home on the side nearest home 2 and the second in media bridge mode in home 2. This would require using 5GHz AC so insure that your 5GHz band is not too heavily used nearby. Also if your homes are concrete or brick the signal will not be as good. Personally, I would go with the Ubiquiti.
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