Need some advice on a couple of PC builds

Jun 14, 2018
Hey guys.

So I'm from australia and im looking at two builds currently. One for myself and one for a friend of mine who is getting into PC gaming.

So the build that i am looking at for myself is probably Overkill, and whilst i havent included screens just yet, i'll be looking at doing 4k Gaming and streaming as well as some video editing. So i wanted something on the beefy side.

As for my friend, im looking for an entry level PC that can run the games she wants to play, but not set her pocket back too much as she is new to the PC gaming world.

Any and all opinions id love to hear

The 7820X is money wasted; get an 8700K. It's the king of gaming. Go for the 8086k if you want higher base clocks, I highly recommend it. Swap that GPU model out for a Gaming X from MSI. The 1080 Ti will do your system VERY well. Also, do consider how you're going to cool the CPU. I'd recommend an AIO watercooling solution, possibly the h110i from corsair. The PSU is also a good range, if you plan on throwing in another 1080 Ti down the line. Otherwise just lower it to a 650W unit.

As for your friend, theres no need for her to go for the 7700k. Have her look into an 8400 i5, and a similar H series board. She also does NOT need an 850W PSU, 650W will do her just fine. Use the saved money to invest in an SSD, then put any remaining funds towards a higher tier GPU. A system like this would do FAR better for her in the long run. If she wants to save money, cut the GPU back to a 1060. Also, I'd advise for you to try and use pcpartpicker; it makes organizing parts and finding the best deals FAR easier.
Looks REALLY good imo, just one thing. Phanteks is one of my FAVORITE case companies, check out their p400S TG, I think it might be to your liking. The only other issue is that you need a Z370 to take advantage of the 8700k, since you CAN'T OVERCLOCK on non z-series boards. As for your friend, it's ultimately her decision at the end of the day. I personally think she's wasting her money to go for an outdated i7. Have her consider the 8600k instead, I really must say it's the better choice here.

The same thing goes for her build with the whole z series thing and CPU cooling as well, except that she can get away with an air cooler like the Hyper 212. The 8600k would allow her to NOT SACRIFICE CPU PERFORMANCE, while receiving a SIGNIFICANT increase in GPU Horsepower since she could upgrade to a 1070, along with an SSD, while still DECREASING the overall cost of the build, at least from when I last checked. Also, you don't NEED to get an NVME drive, she won't really notice the difference. The 860 Evo from Samsung still brings great speeds to the table, while being more affordable.
Im not too fused about cases. Simpliciy and functionality is what i chase. but i do quite like that case you suggested. I also swapped out the mobo in both builds and kept the price reasonable for my friends. She would like to watercool it and i have no argument against it, as after all id rather have her machine cooled well than not at all.

Im not interested in overclocking but at the end of the day i wouldnt mind having the option there. The watecooling i've added as well per your suggestion (never touched watercooling before) and im okay with the price still..few months off sadly but i wanted an idea in my head of what im getting.

@profoundnoah ..8086k highly recommend ?? Really ?? It's totally waste of money . No improvement over 8700k for that price except the little boost in base clock . There is no real difference in gaming or even in productivity .
Given that the buyer had a fair amount of money to spend, he'd probably want to get the BEST SINGLE core experience possible. It increases the clocks by .3 Ghz default, plus it is BINNED to OC more reliable in the future, something which is key to keeping the build competitive down the line.

Also, there ARE performance improvements to be had, although they are fairly slight. I never said it was a REQUIREMENT, and when I saw that the OP wanted to stay with the 8700k, I dropped the topic entirely. Please do understand that you are doing less for the OP by disputing a bygone possibility that I already dropped, instead of looking into an alternate for let's say a better board etc.