Question Need Some Help with a 2FA Key Issue

Oct 26, 2023
So I bought this FIDO 2 Card From Cryptnox so I could use 2fa on some of my accounts, so I thought I would just get a CAC Reader and scan the card and everything would be fine
I was wrong so every time I try to use the card it asks me to press the button on the card THERE IS NO BUTTON someone else said insert and re insert it but that only worked once

so does anyone have any suggestions on what to do when this card ask for a button press for access I am on windows 10 by the way
The predominant place I see these for sale is Amazon, who typically have a very generous return policy...

I don't mean that as snarky, and really don't know too much about this manner of token. If what you are trying to use it with wants the button press, I see similar type items that appear to be USB with a button that also seems to be a fingerprint scanner. Perhaps something like that may work better?
Is there a setting in the device you change not to be looking for that button press?

Among the bad things at getting items from Amazon (and elsewhere) is that you may well be on your own after purchase. If the manufacturer won't reply to your query that is a big red flag.