need some help with a gaming build


Nov 28, 2015
Looking for a i5 or i7 skylake . Nvidea graphics because i have had nothing but problems with ati drivers since forever. maybe 500g of ssd ( have a 1tb hd for storage) . i doubt i'll ever run 2 cards and i doubt i'll ever overclock, and i don't need a keyboard or mouse. i plan on picking up a vr headset or a 27" 2560x1440/4k monitor early next year, not sure which yet, right now i have a 24" 1080 monitor. i like a really quite case but they all seem pretty quit now. i'm just going to be using this comp for gaming and tooling around on the internet, no video editing. i was thinking 1500-2k for the budget but i'm flexible if the parts make sense, and i'll definitely spend a little more for a more reliable manufacturer, my current comp has gone 6 years without anything breaking so i'm spoiled now. i have a 650w antec ps but i was thinking of picking up a new one so i could keep for old comp pretty much whole. thanks in advance. haven't built a computer in quite a few years now so i'm touch as far as the new motherboards, memory and graphics cards go. Thanks in advance for the help :)