[SOLVED] Need some help with PC.


Mar 4, 2019
Hello, so I currently have this: i5 6600k, asus strix 1080, asus prime z170-a, 2x4gb 2400mhz corsair ram, samsung 750 250gb ssd, corsair 850m psu and a nzxt 530 source case. I want to sell this pc for a new one.(For a number of reasons) I will need a 75% gaming, 25% work PC, budget: ~2000€, Thanks!
Actually for 144hz I'd probably go Intel and with your budget I'd get this...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor (€389.90 @ Alza)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Silent Loop 360 65.51 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler (€144.94 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z390-F GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€209.00 @ ARLT)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (€109.89 @ Alternate)
Storage: Samsung - 970 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (€119.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard...
No problem,
Approximate Purchase Date: 2019-10-28

Budget Range: 2000€

System Usage from Most to Least Important: 75% gaming, 25% work PC

Parts Not Required (Monitor/peripherals/etc):
Only the PC, nothing else.

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: www.skytech.lt

Country: Lithuania

Parts Preferences: I dont know much, so I will leave this up to you!

Overclocking: No overclocking

Monitor Resolution: No monitor
So you aren't buying until October? If so then ask this question about two weeks prior to buying as part recommendations are going to change drastically from now until then especially with the release of Ryzen 3rd Gen in July and possibly Navi afterwards.
I wrote 10? Sorry I needed to go so i didnt check what I wrote... It was supposed to be 03...
I wrote 10? Sorry I needed to go so i didnt check what I wrote... It was supposed to be 03...

For your budget I'd probably go...

Ryzen 2700
CM EVO 212 Black CPU Cooler
Asus B450-F Motherboard
2x8gb @3200mhz memory
500gb M.2 SSD
2TB HDD Storage
RTX 2070
Seasonic Focus Gold 650W
Case- Your choice as long as it can fit everything.
Monitor-1440P/IPS or VA. Depending on your style of gaming would determine what refresh to go with.

One change would be grabbing the Ryzen 1600 for cheap as a placeholder until the 3rd Gen Ryzen's come out in July (rumor) as they should be excellent performing based on leaked specs.
Last edited:

For your budget I'd probably go...

Ryzen 2700
CM EVO 212 Black CPU Cooler
Asus B450-F Motherboard
2x8gb @3200mhz memory
500gb M.2 SSD
2TB HDD Storage
RTX 2070
Seasonic Focus Gold 650W
Case- Your choice as long as it can fit everything.
Monitor-1440P/IPS or VA. Depending on your style of gaming would determine what refresh to go with.
What about with no monitor? I already have one ordered and I am left with 2000€
Actually for 144hz I'd probably go Intel and with your budget I'd get this...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor (€389.90 @ Alza)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Silent Loop 360 65.51 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler (€144.94 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z390-F GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€209.00 @ ARLT)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (€109.89 @ Alternate)
Storage: Samsung - 970 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (€119.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€60.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Asus - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB Video Card (€527.29 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Lian-Li - PC-O11 Dynamic (Black) ATX Full Tower Case (€129.90 @ Caseking)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (€89.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home French - OEM DVD 64-bit (€82.00 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Total: €1922.63
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-25 19:55 CET+0100

Dual chamber case, 360mm AIO with a additional 6 fans for great airflow/temps. Case actually supports up to 12 fans (3 on bottom), I'd setup the AIO on the top as exhaust. Front/side I'd setup as intake.
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Actually for 144hz I'd probably go Intel and with your budget I'd get this...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i7-8700K 3.7 GHz 6-Core Processor (€389.90 @ Alza)
CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Silent Loop 360 65.51 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler (€144.94 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Asus - ROG STRIX Z390-F GAMING ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (€209.00 @ ARLT)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (€109.89 @ Alternate)
Storage: Samsung - 970 Evo 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive (€119.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Seagate - Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€60.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Asus - GeForce RTX 2070 8 GB Video Card (€527.29 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Lian-Li - PC-O11 Dynamic (Black) ATX Full Tower Case (€129.90 @ Caseking)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply (€89.99 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Operating System: Microsoft - Windows 10 Home French - OEM DVD 64-bit (€82.00 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Case Fan: be quiet! - Pure Wings 2 120 51.4 CFM 120mm Fan (€9.79 @ Aquatuning)
Total: €1922.63
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-03-25 19:55 CET+0100

Dual chamber case, 360mm AIO with a additional 6 fans for great airflow/temps. Case actually supports up to 12 fans (3 on bottom), I'd setup the AIO on the top as exhaust. Front/side I'd setup as intake.
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your help!
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your help!
No problem! There's a few things you could change like the case and some cooling but what you'll want for gaming on that monitor is that 8700K (or better) 16gb memory and the 2070. You may be able to afford the 2080 if you changed some parts however for the small increase in performance it's really not worth the big price difference.