Need some monitor opinions for 1440P


Jun 14, 2014
Hello all I was curious of any opinions for 1440p monitor that isn't to expensive...I'd love for a monitor that can tilt but if does not that's okay. The monitor I see getting most mentioned is this Acer
This has the freesync which doesn't really apply to me since I have Nvidia.

I did see a pixio monitor, but not sure how good of a brand they are etc.

Of course I'm up to opinions, I currently use a 1080p 24" monitor and was gonna try to bump up to a 27". I was debating of dual monitoring 1080p, but I think i'd like a little bigger of a monitor

think in a similar line to games. forza horizon 3 already has HDR content in it.

Current build is a 8370 oc to 4.7 with 32 gb of ram, sli gtx 970
Any other info ya need for specs let me know.

As far as usage it's mixed between gaming, college, and possibly video editing in feature. But games like assassin's creed, watch dogs, cod, battlefield, prey etc.

My new build.ill be working on is going to be ryzen 1700, 16 gb of 3200 ram, and either the sli 970s or a 1080...unless someone has opinion between the 10 series or Radeon
Will the new radeon though be as good as the 1080s? I went from radeon to nvidia due to I wasn't impressed with the updates etc. I had to always complete uninstall and then install the upgrade for radeon and all that..I heard they improved this though? I've been impressed with my geforce
nvidia has a solid track record. no doubt there. AMD is always playing catchup with nvidia. even now, the rx480/580 is a match up for 1060. for 1070/1080/1080ti vega is gearing up. but then nvidia comes up with volta. u can see where this is going.
but that doesnt mean AMD is bad. remember Fury? those were really good. still offering better perf than 1060/rx480. u can wait till even volta with that 970 sli. it still got enough juice for that. DX12 should support SLI even better. decide after the new tech comes up 😉

and dont get that G sync one if u r gonna go vega. maybe u can wait for some Quantum dot HDR to release n see if vega is good. free sync 2 and G sync HDR is on its way. 970 sli can do 1440p 144hz HDR.

So in your opinion what would be a good monitor besides the Dell? The Acer i showed had a good price but reviews on that Dell are pretty good.

Also issue with the sli 970s is in case my.wife wants that tower I'll need a graphics card for new...maybe I'll do the cheaper route and get another 970 to replace the two I'd be taking she wouldn't be using it that much possibly...havent checked prices lately.
both HDR and Vega r around the corner, since u r gonna be building a new rig, its better to wait n see if Vega can outperform 1080. its a good deal since free sync is cheaper than g sync. u can split up the 970 with ur old n new for now. and then decide on 3 970s or vega.