My Mom asked me to set up the network in her primary care office. There are 15 computers, all of which need access to a medical records server. 13 of these computers will NOT have access to the internet, 2 will. These 2 computers will also need access to the server that is not on the internet.
How can I make this happen?
-I was thinking using a wireless router, and adding a wireless card to the 2 computers that will use the internet.
-Maybe setting up the router to block internet access to the 13 computers?
-getting a switch and setting up 2 vlans?
I'm lost at this point. I'm pretty sure the server needs to be off the internet per HIPAA? Do you guys have suggestions?
How can I make this happen?
-I was thinking using a wireless router, and adding a wireless card to the 2 computers that will use the internet.
-Maybe setting up the router to block internet access to the 13 computers?
-getting a switch and setting up 2 vlans?
I'm lost at this point. I'm pretty sure the server needs to be off the internet per HIPAA? Do you guys have suggestions?