Need to figure out how to boot into safe mode windows 8


Jul 31, 2014
I was playing star wars the old republic and I hit the 'windows' key. It caused my resolution to change to a frequency that's out of range of what my monitor can support. Now my computer boots into "Out of Range" as soon as the circles that blip around at startup go away. I am trying to boot into safe mode using command prompt having booted windows off of my disk.

I am trying to use the bcdedit commands to allow the F8 key to work again so that I can get into safe mode. However, none of them are working. I am starting out in a command prompt screen that looks kind of like this
Select Administrator: X:\windows\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]


So far I have tried using these commands -
bcdedit /set {bootmgr} displaybootmenu yes
and another one where it was bcdedit and then at some point it says bootlegacy or something. Neither has worked. I also tried another method where the guy started out using bcdedit /enum. None have worked.

When I do these it says things like "The Boot Configuration data store could not be opened. The requested system device cannot be found."

I notice on all these videos of people doing this stuff that it begins with showing
C:\Windows\System32 Is that what is messing me up, that I'm starting on X:? I haven't done this stuff in so long I have forgotten how to get into the System32 anyways.
It's been almost 7 months but I'm posting an answer anyway because it might help future readers.

@sAcI I'm on bootable USB and I also have OP's problem.

I was also receiving the error the OP is receiving from the BCD commands. I found a solution to make the bcdedit commands successful.

bootrec /rebuildbcd

If you see this message: "Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 1 [1] D:\Windows Add installation to boot list? Yes<Y>/No<N>/All<A>:", enter Y or Yes. You can now do bcdedit commands.

If you see this: "Successfully scanned Windows installations. Total identified Windows installations: 0 The operation completed successfully.", type the following:

bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd

At the Add installation to boot list? question, type Enter Y or Yes, followed by the Enter key. You can now do bcdedit commands.

Detailed explanation for each step is on this link: