Need to find a gpu! New nvida cards coming! What to do??

Jan 10, 2019
Hey everyone! I've posted a week or so ago that I'm in the process of a "refresh" build on my pc. New mb, cpu, ram and gpu. I have a cpu, mb and ram figured out but I'm a bit overwhelmed with finding a good gpu! The new components will be msi x470 gaming plus mb, corsair vengeance lpx pc3000 2x8gb and a ryzen 5 2600.

I have a evga gtx 960 2gb ssc. I've been looking at the rx580 cards because of the pricing. However Nvidia has just launched the 2060 which seems like a good buy as well? And rumors of a 1660ti to hit the market? What's the best option here. I'm looking for best performance for the dollar. Thanks!
If the RTX 2060 is in your budget it would be a great go to card for your new build. if the 1660ti will really hit the market (with whatever name) it will be slower than the 2060. This card will not only miss the the RTX and Tensor features, but also come with round about 20% less shaders. My crystal ball tells me that a 1660ti would probably be priced around $279
If the RTX 2060 is in your budget it would be a great go to card for your new build. if the 1660ti will really hit the market (with whatever name) it will be slower than the 2060. This card will not only miss the the RTX and Tensor features, but also come with round about 20% less shaders. My crystal ball tells me that a 1660ti would probably be priced around $279
Well, for now im using an LG 32inch tv as my main display. Native resolution is 1360 X 768. Thats what is displayed as the "recommended" resolution. I dont know if that is optimal or not? Ive played with it a bit and it looks best at that setting. Eventually I would like to get a new monitor but will probably be using the LG tv for some time.