Need To Know Is It Worth Overclocking My CPU And Ram

CoolDude X

Oct 12, 2014
I'm New To Overclocking,And Heard People Overclocking Their CPU's And RAM's To Get Double Performance.So Please Tell Me How To Overclock CPU As Well As Ram(Is It Similar As Overclocking GPU?) BTW My CPU Is i3 3220,And Ram Is Dynet 4GB DDR3 1333Mhz

Unlocked multipliers helps you to adjust your core clocks and push it far upto certain limits depending upon you PSU, motherboards ability,
You might have seen CPU's with a 'K' after there processor name, as yours is non k so it wont have any unlocked multiplier to push you PC to furthur limits,
But if you wanna overclock your GPU, its certainly possible by using certain softwares like " MSI Afterburnur, evga percision X"
This will enhance your gaming performance little bit

Unlocked multipliers helps you to adjust your core clocks and push it far upto certain limits depending upon you PSU, motherboards ability,
You might have seen CPU's with a 'K' after there processor name, as yours is non k so it wont have any unlocked multiplier to push you PC to furthur limits,
But if you wanna overclock your GPU, its certainly possible by using certain softwares like " MSI Afterburnur, evga percision X"
This will enhance your gaming performance little bit