Need USA retailer: buy from Europe, ship to USA


Feb 14, 2002
Hi to everyone,

I want to buy some computer components using my European credit cards but sending to a USA shipping address. Until now the only site I found that does it (and it is reliable) is Amazon, but the selection is quite limited.

Do you know other sites where I can buy using my European credit card? Most of times they want the shipping and billing address to be the same, and that's not the case.

Thanks is advance for your help.

Still looking for a <b>good online retailer</b> in Spain :frown:
I had this problem before also. I had to call my bank to authorise shipping to a different adress then the billing address. Then the seller had to call the bank to confirm.

Money orders might be an option.

the Prisoner

I'm not a number, I'm a free man! 😡