Hello, I stay at my workplace for five days while ai go back to my home at weekends. My PC is at my home and the internet speed ai get at my house is very slow as compared to my office. So I was thinking if I could download games (30-60gb each) on my mobile phone, download the torrent every night and when I go back to my home on weekends, I would plug in my mobile and transfer the game onto my pc and play it. At first, I thought that having a MicroSD card would be the best option but later found out that the difference between the speed they advertise and what they actually give is very high. Sandisk's card gives 15mb/sec write while its advertised as 48mb/sec. my second thought was to buy an external hard disk and perform the same operation. So which method is the most efficient to do what I want to do?
TL;DR version: I want the most efficient and fastest way to transfer huge torrent files from my mobile phone to my PC
Edit: So the Seagate expansion 500gb has 120-130 read write. Is it okay then?
TL;DR version: I want the most efficient and fastest way to transfer huge torrent files from my mobile phone to my PC
Edit: So the Seagate expansion 500gb has 120-130 read write. Is it okay then?