Review Netgear Nighthawk XR1000 Gaming Router Review: Congestion Control at Premium Price

The netgear armor IS expensive. You can get total security for <$30 year is you wait for specials. And that's for 5 devices

But in defense, netgear's BitDefender 2 box is $100/year but protects up to 35 devices. But BitDefenders software also protects devices outside of your android/iphone/pc/mac. It protects IOT devices, Drive Shares, and things like network printers, and test for weak credentials as well as other common attack vectors on your network. It then makes recommendations and then set up protection to defend against said weaknesses.
The Asus router you guys reviewed before is a better buy than this.

Quad core cpu and 1GB of ram plus the Trend micro security it comes with doesn't require a sub not sure what netgear is thinking here.
"higher-end gaming router"


Bound to be a 'must have' if you have a gaming motherboard, gaming NIC, gaming mouse/mousepad, etc. ? :)

The red accents are indicative of this router's entry-level gaming status. Red is pretty fast, but everyone knows yellow is the fastest color. We'll have to wait for the eXtreme version which I hope will have LEDs, if only for safety's sake.