Network Help


Jan 8, 2005
I have a problem I’m building a new computer and I was just going to set it up wired to the network I already have however my router is full so I have two choices that I know of if there are more please let me know.
1: get a wireless PCI card
2: get a new Router with more slots
Also how fast is wireless compared to a wired setup I know it’s slower but how much slower???
Your wired connections are probably 100Megabits/s. If your wireless is 802.11g it's connection speed is 54Megabits/s. A 100Megabit connection can usually get transfer speeds of around 10Megabytes/s (theretical transfer speed is 12.5Megabytes/s via 100 divided by 8). A 54Megabit wireless connection has a theretical transfer speed of 6.75Megabytes/s but in real life you are lucky to get between 1-2Megabytes/s.
That is a fairly substantial speed increase :)

The cheapest way to go would actually be to just get a little switch and daisy chain it off of your router. All little switches now days will be either auto sensing or have an uplink port so you can just run a regular patch cable from your router to it. That will give you many more ports to expand off of :)

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