Question Network Interference from Desktop


Jan 11, 2018
This goes into signal spectrums in ways that are way above my knowledgebase.

I have 3 bands active, a 2.4ghz, 5ghz and 6ghz. The desktop maybe 3 feet away hardwired.
If the desktop is running and I go a few rooms over no where I'd have no issues with the desktop off, I still have full bars on all my wireless devices but no internet. If I walk up to the router, I have internet again. This is ONLY an issue for 5ghz (AKA WiFi6). 2.4ghz works fine and 6ghz (WiFi 6e) doesn't reach worth a damn or have any meaningful benefits for 300Mbps Internet use, completely discounting network transfer, I know.

Now this is where any wireless communication knowledge has reached the end of the book for me.

I went into the router and for S&G's changed the Channel Width because I know something like 20hz is good for urban and congested areas with interference but the throughput isn't the best. Nothing. So I changed the Channel too. What do you know, I have internet. 20Mbps instead of 300Mbps but it's something. Tried 40hz and up and was iffy so in went back to 20hz.

Tried another channel, same as the original situation, but no internet. Tried another, the entire band went down and stopped broadcasting the SSID.

I found one channel on 20hz that gets me around a jumpy 200Mbps which I've compromised on but it's a bandaid, not a fix. Id prefer to go back to 160hz width like I was before and have stable speeds though.

So what could be the cause here?
  • I am in a rural area with 0 devices that could be the cause otherwise.
  • It only happens when the desktop is on.
  • I know BT is 2.4ghz but I tried turning that off and as expected had no effect.
  • It works close up.
  • It works on certain channels and width combinations.
  • I have my ShieldTV hardwired next to the TV without issues and swapped around there Ethernet ports so there isn't some rouge circuit/Ethernet controller in the router giving off interference.
  • I have not rulled out interference from the PC because of the case. Coincidentally, the glass side panel is on the same side of the room as the router.

Last and most difficult option will be move the router further away but that still may not be solved based on the last bullet point above.
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