I've looked on Google for the last hour or so for a particular wire. I have my base PC in one room of my house - and I would like to set-up a second monitor to another room (upstairs). What would be ideal is if I could get a displayport to plug into my PC, which then gets plugged into my switch, for then in my room, plug another network cable in the switch, which can be plugged into a display port. (or HDMI).
I know I could do things such as RDC but I don't really want a client machine up there.
I've looked into separating the HDMI/DP cable and matching them to network cables, although I found the distance would be too long...
I've looked on Google for the last hour or so for a particular wire. I have my base PC in one room of my house - and I would like to set-up a second monitor to another room (upstairs). What would be ideal is if I could get a displayport to plug into my PC, which then gets plugged into my switch, for then in my room, plug another network cable in the switch, which can be plugged into a display port. (or HDMI).
I know I could do things such as RDC but I don't really want a client machine up there.
I've looked into separating the HDMI/DP cable and matching them to network cables, although I found the distance would be too long...