So, this is both wireless and wired networking. For months, I've had the same exact setup I have now, and the internet always worked awesome. I did in fact get a new modem, but my speeds were effected BEFORE I installed the new modem. My modem says it's getting full speed (1000mbps) and my router has a built in speed test which says its getting 900-950, which is perfectly alright. But both wired and wireless, I am getting 400 or less wired, and only 30 wireless, when usually I'd get full router speeds through wired, and get 300-400 over wireless. I've tried factory resetting, I've tried multiple different speed tests also. I have nothing that's doing massive downloads or anything. I don't think it's something hogging the internet either, but I haven't really tested that yet and I highly doubt one device uses THAT MUCH bandwidth. All I have is phones, a couple laptops, and an xbox and a couple rokus. Any ideas? These have all always been connected to the network, nothing new.