new 970, windows starts w/ black screen and blinking underscore


Jul 24, 2012
I'm on 64bit win7.

I've seen a few posts with this issue and the solution is typically to update the BIOS. Problem is, I can't find a bios update for my mobo ANYWHERE. I know it's the gpu because my PC works fine with it unplugged.

I have an Asus P8H-77V LE. I googled a bios update, nothing. Their site said they have an app called "winflash" to update the bios, however when I tried to install it, it told me it only works for notebooks...

I have an i7 2600k and a 1050w power supply so there is no way incompatibility with other hardware could be the issue here. This mobo is from 2012, it has to be the bios, right?

am I screwed? do I need a new mobo?...
Something to try that's worked for me in the past (albeit for different problems), try doing a CMOS reset (by pulling the battery for 30 seconds or jumping the pins). Sometimes hardware changes need a CMOS reset to start fresh.
No, you need to download the BIOS for your EXACT version (and being close doesn't count) otherwise you'll end up not being able to flash (best case scenario) or you turn your motherboard into a paperweight (worst case scenario).

I don't know how the BIOS flash procedure works for your particular mobo, either watch the video I linked to or read the manual very carefully.