New Augmented Reality Goggles More Immersive Than HoloLens

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The view may be brilliant from the inside, but looking like Ghostbusters Ecto Googles, these aren't going to be on any self-respecting geeks' wishlist anytime soon. At least HoloLens and GoogleGlass gave a little consideration to the outside appearance.
With the occluding elements on the sides of the spectacles frame, it's hard to see how this can be called significantly more immersive than HoloLens. It appears that there is more vertical FOV, but horizontally it does not look to be much better. Also, you cannot tell how immersive an experience is from a ten minute demo. The brain needs more time than that to adjust to the new reality. Wear a HoloLens for an hour and then see how immersive it feels to you. I was pretty satisfied even after a brief ten minute demo.
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