The best place to start is all your specs. There are a lot of Ryzen 5 CPUs a lot of DDR4 RAM, and I'm not sure what an rx970 is (RX 570? GTX 970?). Being specific is important.
From your description, a few problems jump out.
First, you need to do a full wipe and reinstall of Windows. Unless you have a very specific Windows-to-Go install, it's not designed to be used as a modular install, something you just slap in another PC. Sometimes you'll luck out and Windows will figure it out, sometimes it will appear to work and you're chasing weird bugs for months, and sometimes it will not work at all.
Second, unless your CPU is the Ryzen 5 3400G or the Ryzen 5 2400G (which is one of the many reasons it's important to be specific), you...