New Build Computer Failing


Feb 3, 2016
Hello guys
Here's my build:

Mobo: GIGABYTE H97-HD3 - brand new
CPU: Intel CPU Core i5 4460 - brand new
PSU: Corsair PSU CX Series 750 W 80+ Bronze CX750 - brand new
RAM: Kingston HyperX 4GB 1333Mhz - brand new
GPU: GeForce 260 GTX - NOT new.

So, as i got my staff yesterday I assembled them, and this happens.
Computer starts, beeps continuously, then turns off
Starts again, same thing. Beep-beep-beep-beep really fast then shuts down.
And again and again until i turn off the PSU.
I tried with minimum requirements, only CPU with it's fan with same result.
Tried an other - my old one - PSU but same thing happened.

Im so sad cause i've been waiting for too long to have my components, and now that i got em nothing can work.

Assist me guys

Yo guys goodmorning.
The issue was that the DDRs were 1600Mhz default
I swapped them with some spares i had that were 1333 and works perfectly!
Thank you all for helping me guys
Im sorry,but i find it impossible to count

1-2 seconds after i turn it on it starts beeping continuously.

EDIT: as i searched for Gigabyte's beeping modules, it seems that continuous short beeps, its the Power supply unit.
But i swapped it with my old one and happens the same thing


18-pin cable connected, 8-pin for CPU connected!
As i said, i tried to turn it on with minimum reqs. CPU/fan and same thing happens
Worked it methodically,removing and adding components but still same beeping module

I have 2x4GB hyperX 1333Mhz

Oh man.
Its 1600Mhz, not 1333
That should be it ?

Specifications from Gigabyte webpage for mobo:
Support for DDR3 1600/1333 MHz memory modules

I did brother.
1 stick of ram, on different DIMMs.
Switch DIMM turn on, turn off switch DIMM turn on. etc etc etc.

if your using an after market cooler make sure you did not crush the cpu lid. try rulling out the mb shorting to the case or a part having a short. try posting the mb on the box with one dimm and the power supply. if the system beeps at you.power down and make sure the cpu is seated and there no bent pins under it. if it still beeps try anoter power supply to rule out bad power if the mb still beeps return the mb first.

Im using the factory cpu fan that comes with the cpu box mate!

Can u please explain "try rulling out the mb shorting to the case or a part having a short" ?

First of all
Thank you, and the rest of the guys for the help!
But yes, i'm using stand offs, none of them touches the mobo and I also removed two cause my previous mobo was larger

Is there any possibility to have a Dead on arrival motherboard? :|
PS: I've followed the checklist you posted two times but nothing happened
Just checking, were you saying 4 short beeps then shutdown?

Confirm the exact number and duration of beeps and look below.

1.AWARD BIOS 1short beep :System normal 2 short beep :CMOS Error 1 long beep and 1 short beep:Memory error 1 long beep and 2 short beep:Graphic card error 1 long beep and 3 short beep :AGP error 1 long beep and 9 short beep :Memory Error Continuous long beep :Memory not correctly installed Continuous short beep :Power supply unit failed 2.AMI BIOS 1 short beep :Memory Error 2 short beep:Memory parity check error. 3 short beep :basic memory 64K address check error 4 short beep :Real Time Clock malfunction . 5 short beep :CPU error 6 short beep:Keyboard error 7 short beep :CPU interruption error 8 short beep:Graphic card error 9 short beep :Memory error 10 short beep :CMOS error 11 short beep :CPU cache memory malfunction


Tells us: basic memory 64K address check error 4 short beep

No mate let me explain
I turn it ON, and after 5-6 seconds it shuts down and restarts.
In these 5-6 seconds it beeps continuously. Short beeps not constant.

Yo guys goodmorning.
The issue was that the DDRs were 1600Mhz default
I swapped them with some spares i had that were 1333 and works perfectly!
Thank you all for helping me guys