MrTuRtLe03 :
Not bad, I like it. Preferably I would go with an i7 and 16g of RAM (just personal preference and budget) I love the heat fins on the Vengeance though... I digress, be careful with the OS though; make sure you know what you are getting into with Windows 8. I have 8.1 Pro installed and I like it, but it was a large learning curve from Windows 7. Make sure you have a lot of patience to get used to the OS. Have fun, and good luck on the build!
Hey man! Thanks for the answer and about windows 8 I think i'll be fine, I have a laptop with 8.1 and it's all good! Thanks for the heads up.
cisrox :
You will be fine. Your fps will probably never dip below 50, with an average around 60-70.
Great! Thanks man!
Since where I live pc parts are very expensive these are the best parts I can buy :/
Seeking Solace :
If you are near a Micro Center I think you can get the 4670k for cheaper than the 4670 to give you the option to OC, same CPU, more freedom, even if you don't intend on doing it. Cheaper right? If I wasn't intending to OC I'd probably consider the 4570 for the saving, but I haven't really looked too deep into that, myself.
Hey man thanks! same answer of last question, where I live the parts are really expensive and rare in stock, 4670 is my actual option not because oc but stock,etc.
bigshootr8 :
I like the build however just a few questions/comments.
1.) I'm curious are you not planning on overclocking if so you may be able to save some money on something like a 4570 instead.
2.) I wouldn't go with a Sli setup. I'm going to make the assumption that you are currently running on a single 1080p display if you are a single card is probably going to be all you will ever need. Get the best card that you can get and hopefully that will be enough to hold you over till your next upgrade. By the time you would need a 2nd card to add to the first card I'm sure their will be a stronger single card that will get the job done plus you get more stable performance from one card then you will from two cards, while producing less heat within your case and also not pushing the power bill.
3.) I would also agree that you could go lower power supply wise. I would go with something in the 550 area. I don't like EVGA as a power supply manufacture. They are a good graphics card company but outside that I would invest in them. I would probably look toward something from XFX, Corsair, or Seasonic. Power supplies are important because if they go bad they could take everything along with it and I don't think you want that. Better to get quality over something that is budget oriented.
Hey bro thanks for the answer!
1)Im buying 4670 just to have the best thing I can buy and where I live the difference in prices is not great from 4570 to 4670 so I'm trying to buy the best I can.
2) the z87 mobo is just 20 dollars more than h87 here, although I'm thinking like you but since the z87 supports this feature I can buy it with no problem.
3)Yer probably going for a 600w psu, the one listed in my pc is Corsair and it looks nice. The 600w psu can be corsair too.