New build wireless issue

with a new build make sure all the motherboard chipset drivers are installed. also with onboard ethernet your going to get that icon..go under network devices and disabled the onboard ethernet port and make sure all the wifi drivers are installed and then reboot. on reboot you should have a wifi icon there.,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.96952980,d.b2w&tch=1&ech=1&psi=gO2YVZmiF8G2sQWQ8YLoDw.1436085628374.5&ved=0CCcQpis&ei=jO2YVf31A8XWsAXit67YDQ

you have to use ether a usb stick like the one on top or a pci-e card did you order ether one with your parts??
if not you can pick one up at any local store or staples. the usb ones the small ones are short range if your in the same room they work fine. if you have to go from one side of a home to the other pick up a good pci-e wifi card.